Hight Quality Rolex Replica Watches For Sale

Rolex Replica Watches

Rolex Replica Watches, a US-based watchmaker, has launched a limited edition to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. The watch is dedicated to glider corps who were sent behind enemy lines. This watch has all of the cool Rolex Replica Watches patents, such as the magnetic protection that is visible on the back and activated upon request. The Rolex Replica Watches Engineer II magneto Valor Limited edition is housed in a steel case and runs on the brand’s automatic caliber. The price is $3,555 and it comes in only 399 copies.

Let's first say a few words on the men to whom this series is dedicated. The US glider corps used engineless aircraft to glide behind enemy lines. The only way to guide the pilot was by using a magnet compass.Rolex Replica Watches The perilous journey was only one-way, and the men who were lucky enough to complete the trip had just begun their work. These brave men were recruited to join the guerilla forces that fought behind enemy lines in an Axis controlled territory.

The US watchmaker chose to pay tribute to these brave soldiers by launching a limited edition. This is why the name of the watch includes the word "Valor". The "Magneto section" is the coolest part of the watch. The "Magneto" section refers to the unusual magnetic protection Rolex Replica Watches created for the watch.Rolex Air king Replica chose to use movement components that were not affected by magnetic fields instead of those that were.

The solution they came up with was to include a magnetic cover that can be activated by pressing a button. The transparent case-back will deploy a special iris shaped cover to protect the movement from magnetic fields once the cover has been activated.

You can also check if this cover is active without having to remove the watch and inspect its rear section. A window indicator is provided at the case band. The system is called A-PROOF, and is effective for fields with a strength up to 80,000 A/m.